Sunday, April 10, 2022

Who Else on my TV has COVID-19?

 This week we learned the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19. [She is quarantining and doing well.] 

The Gridiron Fundraiser Dinner resulted in 68 people testing positive, including President's Ag Secretary Tom Vilsack, Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo.

I also discovered we have an unofficial government tracker, to tally these results.  COVID Positive in Congress

Why do I bring this up?

National figures have the same issues as the rest of us-- we want to hang out with our friends, go places, hug, chat and eat at restaurants. 

We want our pre-pandemic lives back-- we want to be mask and hand sanitizer free!

We are grown, free and over 21-- right?

Yes-- and no.

Yes-- we have all the rights guaranteed under the Constitution and values our freedoms to live as residents and citizens of the United States of America.

No-- we are members of a community village and have a moral responsibility to take care of our circles. There are the inner circle of family, friends, and the secondary circle of co-workers, acquaintances [church, library, gym] and the great unwashed public we interact with on a regular basis [drive-thru staff, gas station, carwash, mini mart].

So, remember:

1. the Pandemic is the Great Equalizer- it doesn't care about your zip code, college degree and how well-connected you are or how important your job is

2. the Pandemic is NOT OVER- people are still getting sick. Less are dying [thank God!] but who wants to have their life disrupted by having to quarantine for 5 days?

2. Vaccines and boosters reduce YOUR life-threatening illness [hospitalizations, ventilators to help you breath] but make you a Spreader- you and your friends may be OK to have a scratching throat or cough, but your 80-year old grandmother or your cousin with asthma may end up in the hospital on a ventilator.

3. Masks and face covering reduce the spread of your air and vapor when you talk and breathe [that is why your mask is wet after a few hours]. 

    No one likes them.

    No one wants to wear them.

TOUGH! Wear it when you are out in a crowd, or around the general public. You don't know what you picked up at Wal-Mart, Price Chopper or Krogers that you are bringing back to breathe on your baby, or 80 year old grandma. 

Get disposable masks so you can vent your rage at a small piece of paper and elastic, and throw it away-- or burn it!

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Who Else on my TV has COVID-19?

 This week we learned the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19. [She is quarantining and doing well.]  The Gridir...