Sunday, April 3, 2022

Welcome nieces, nephews and younglings

 I am starting a new blog-- a place to retain thoughts, prayers and insights as a family matriarch [Big Momma], church historian, wise elder, cultural mentor and senior digital sherpa living in a pandemic.

Have I learned a few things-- yes. 

Do I have a lot of questions/queries-- why yes I do!

What I Have Learned from the Pandemic

#1  I don't want to die:  the fear of the unknowns, the changing guidelines and data spikes caused the loss of many hours of sleep. That being said, I fall back to to 7th grade learnings: the Scientific Method.

Start with a Hypothesis, see if the data available provides the hypothesis true or false. 

a.  If no answer is achieved, rinse and repeat

b. If an answer is achieved-- rinse and repeat [new hypotheses emerge, new data is identified, so critical analysis needs to continue]. 

#2  Wear a mask: while we were not sure about the statistics of efficacy, time has shown the reduction of illness due to less breathing in of the unfiltered air of the general population.

#6  Find a mask that actually fits your face: the term face covering really is correct in that the goal is to cover where air comes in and goes out. However, the one size fits all [even with material that has high elasticity-- like t-shirts/jerseys] works for some situations and not for others. Same with the KN-95 or the paper disposables.

#12 Find a mask that reflects your personality/style AND fits your face: I have learned that face coverings need to be able to sit securely over your hose and under your chin, without traumatizing your ears. You also need something that works in the different aspects of your life [more on this later]. So masks really need to:

a. fit the lower mandible of your face; this is the part no one saw coming! How much do you move your mouth to talk? How much air do you expel? How much spray?

b. fully cover your nose and be able to be tucked under the lower frame of your [sun]glasses. This addresses the air movement from both the nose and the mouth. The shape of your nose [Roman, African, button, other] has its own challenges, and does not work if you are pulling it up/down when you open your mouth to speak.

c. sit smoothly on your cheeks like your favorite pair of jeans sit on your legs. You don't want 'draft' coming in on the sides.

#20 Lean in and Learn as much new technology and social media applications as possible. things that I never heard of before 2020 as now a standard part of my life of social distancing, working remotely [or hybrid] and reducing interaction with the general public inside buildings.

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